Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Ka'ahumanu and Kauikeaouli

As noted last week, today is birthday of Queen Ka'ahumanu, who was born in Hana in 1768. But today is also the day that Kauikeaouli -- better known by his royal title, Kamehameha III -- celebrated his official birthday. Kauikeaouli was born in August 1813 (though some think it was in June or July) but adopted March 17th as his official birthday because of his admiration for St. Patrick. (Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's day, too!)

On a completely different note, today is also another significant anniversary -- one year ago today the ill-fated Superferry stopped service between Maui and O'ahu. Will ferry service make a comeback? A bill was passed last month to explore the options of linking the major islands by boat. We shall see....

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